There seemed to be a lull there for a second where there wasn't anything to watch. Lost was over, Breaking Bad was over and you caught yourself actually having some one you were 'rooting for' on Dancing with the Stars. Thankfully a whole spatter of wonderful though less visual shows have started up again. And across the board it looks like it's going to be a surprisingly thoughtful summer.
First off, Hung is on point. After a meandering first season that showed incredible promise verging on obscurity, the show has come back with a renewed tenacity. A little more cock-suredness if I may use an overly appropriate aphorism. This second episode bringing to a head Ray Decker's furrow browed moral ponderings over sleeping with a pregnant chick. But the real treat is watching Ray's elfin pimp, Tanya accept the power that comes with the pimp hat. I predict it won't be long before she is bitch slapping left and right. She could certainly smack me.
I knew something was up with Entourage because everyone was mocking it on Twitter. But I fins myself again in the undesirable position of supporting this show. I agree with all the criticism that the show portrays characters vapid of any real human qualities. But those kind of people exist! And I find them fascinating!
So apparently Vince has recently grown a pair after a smudgey landing of the car jumping off ramp variety. This new ballsiness has resulted in a, wait for it... new haircut. OK, so Vince's attempts at personal change are about as weak as the writer's ability to maintain even the most basic of emotional story lines. But at least he cut his fucking hair! For a person with the mental depth of a bowl of cornflakes that alone is an accomplishment. Again, I know assholes like this. Sometimes I can be one myself.
Rescue Me is back and the twist this season: Tommy has been to hell. Sure Rescue Me, whatever you say. Rescue Me's convoluted mythology of exactly what happens after you die has remained extremely central considering they have been keeping it up for 7 seasons. I admit back in the beginning I thought it would go the way of the dropped gimmick ala the commercials in the first episode of Six Feet Under or Carrie talking into the camera every other fucking shot in Sex in the City. But they have held strong. It has worked at times and failed at others but it seems pretty tired now. That of course isn't what makes the show so watchable. It's the drinking. Tommy's drinking again! I think there's a whole generation of drinkers who are subconsciously deciding how many drinks per night based off a Tommy Gavin model. I have a theory that most major losses and wins in the Iraq war correspond inversely to times Tommy Gavin is on and off the wagon.
So at least there is some interesting stuff on. I need something to tide me over till Sons of Anarchy.
Let's be clear. I never rooted for anyone on Dancing With The Stars. It was Craig on the The Bachelorette I was rooting for.
Posted by: ALH | July 13, 2010 at 10:17 AM